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kanalB  topics Womens Spring University

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maiz is an organisation of migrants in Austrian Linz. During the FFU (Women's Spring University) Luzenir Caixeta led a work shop on the topic "Interlinkage of house/care/SexWork - Reflecting ... more

interview maiz Introduction
maiz Introduction
What is maiz ? In which domains does the organisation work ?
length: 3:26 min  | date: 02.07.2007  | video-hits: 94
interview maiz precarity
maiz precarity
What does precarisation mean for the women that maiz works with ? What forces sex workers to do their work ?
length: 7:45 min  | date: 02.07.2007  | video-hits: 118
interview maiz campaign
maiz campaign
In this conversation Luzenir Caixeta introduces the campaign "Sex workers have lust for ... their rights", which went on from the International Women's Day to the International Whore's Day, organised by maiz and other organisations like Lefö.
length: 3:13 min  | date: 02.07.2007  | video-hits: 29
Womens Spring University
organizers womens spring university
maiz Introduction
maiz precarity
maiz campaign

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