| 1 edition | 45 videoclips | 9 links | comments
during the uprising of the argentine people in december 2001 we thought, this could be the start of the world revolution, and we had the urge to go there and see for ourselves what was going on. here you can find the archive of the 4 week video coverage.
latest clip entry:
26-12-2003 12:25
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this 60 min documentary shows how the country was systematically ruined by US imperialism and the international financial institutions IMF and the world bank under the label of neoliberalism, as well as the help of a corrupt political class. the compact and unanimous resistance of the public since the 19th/20th december 2001 has started to stir things up, slowly but surely: people are getting together ... more |
length: 60 min
| date: 28-01-2004
| video-hits: 1.018
Buenos Aires, 19. and 20.12.2003. up to 200,000 people gather on the streets to commemorate the fallen compa??eros of the 20.12.2001. at 1938 a homemade explosive goes off in a bin full of glass bottles on the plaza de mayo. at this point the closing demo by the bloque de piqueteros national, a group critical of the government, was taking place there, which more than 50,000 people took part in. |
length: 5,32 min
| date: 26.12.2003
| video-hits: 335
Argentina, Buenos Aires 21.11.2003. demo against the american peace aggreement, area libre de comercio a las americas. the starting demo took place in front of the offices of the food production company Monsanto. by joining the a.l.c.a, the argentinian government will bind itself to buying genetically modified products from the USA. this will destroy the local farmers" existence. the demo march through the ... more |
length: 3,56 min
| date: 03.12.2003
| video-hits: 295
Zanon-worker at the ESF: there were two workers from the occupied ceramics factory in Neuquen, Argentina present at the first european social forum in Florence. they report of their collaboration with the MTD (the unemployed workers movement). they both state that the goal of all social battles in Argentina is to create a workers government. |
length: 5 min
| date: 09.11.2002
| video-hits: 299
there will not be a coup when the government steps down. |
length: 2 min
| date: 29.03.2002
| video-hits: 184
the debt repayments make any positive development in Argentina impossible. |
length: 2 min
| date: 29.03.2002
| video-hits: 436
"it can not be that the IMF dictates the economic policy of these states" |
length: 2 min
| date: 29.03.2002
| video-hits: 167
"the neoliberal system, installed by the military regime in 1976, ends in december 2001" |
length: 10 min
| date: 28.03.2002
| video-hits: 156
hijos is the organisation of the children and relatives of the desaparecidos, the people murdered, forced to exile or tortured under the military regime |
length: 2 min
| date: 27.03.2002
| video-hits: 321
the 26th aniversary of the military revolt proves, that the people would not accept a new coup. |
length: 3 min
| date: 25.03.2002
| video-hits: 190
the first of four speeches at the asamblea flores. |
length: 2 min
| date: 24.03.2002
| video-hits: 170
the worst crime of the military government was not murder and torture, but the genocidal economic system it installed. |
length: 2 min
| date: 24.03.2002
| video-hits: 121
"the IMF expects Duhalde to lead a strong government. one that is able to suppress the people." |
length: 2 min
| date: 24.03.2002
| video-hits: 243
"everybody wants the factories to be re-opened. they will not re-open! capitalism just doesn"t need millions of workers anymore, companeros. what we need is a revolution!" |
length: 3 min
| date: 24.03.2002
| video-hits: 165
the policemen who shot one of the victims of the 20th december, worked with Videla, one of the heads of the military regime of 1976, |
length: 1 min
| date: 20.03.2002
| video-hits: 14.287
small altars were set up, in memorial of the 5 people who were shot dead by the police in the centre of Buenos Aires on the 20th december 01. |
length: 2 min
| date: 20.03.2002
| video-hits: 624
unemployees have squatted a piece of land to live there. |
length: 3 min
| date: 20.03.2002
| video-hits: 272
"you can not sleep here. we sit around, drink mate and wait for a new day to come. ...a new day for fighting" |
length: 0 min
| date: 20.03.2002
| video-hits: 337
"it s difficult to survive with 160 pesos a month (approx 50 pounds)... I have 5 children" |
length: 1 min
| date: 20.03.2002
| video-hits: 250
the national assambly is not yet mature enough to lead the country. |
length: 2 min
| date: 20.03.2002
| video-hits: 1.326
Buenos Aires 2002, at the occupied factory Brukman - A threat which has been disguised as an inspection order. The police hit a six year old girl. |
length: 4 min
| date: 19.03.2002
| video-hits: 424
Indymedia Argentinien
the crisis that the country lives, the great amount of mobilizations and organizations that are arising need to be made oir and see.