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topic unemployeds movement

25 videoclipscomments

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team: kanalB
latest clip entry: 08-10-2010 11:42 number of medias in topic: 25
short-docu Zahltag Jobcenter Neukölln
Zahltag Jobcenter Neukölln
please translate this description: 01.10.2010, Jobcenter Neukölln, Berlin - Eine Gruppe geht in das Jobcenter und verleiht Sachbearbeitern, die ihre Sache besonders gut machen, eine Auszeichnung.
length: 5 min  | date: 08.10.2010  | video-hits: 6.663
trailer Krach statt Kohldampf
Krach statt Kohldampf
please translate this description: Mobilisierungsvideo zur Demo am 10. Oktober 2010 in Oldenburg von der Arbeitslosenselbsthilfe Oldenburg e.V.
length: 1,18 min  | date: 28.09.2010  | video-hits: 331
short-docu 2. May 2010 - VI. International Non-Workers Celebration and Demonstration Day
2. May 2010 - VI. International Non-Workers Celebration and Demonstration Day
please translate this description: Heraus zum 2. Mai! Und viele, viele nahmen teil am tief beeindruckenden Demonstrationsumzug durch Casting- und Schönhauser Allee.
Zu sehen sind Impressionen, zu hören Manifeste und das Gebet, welches traditioneller Abschluss ist.
length: 3 min  | date: 29.05.2010  | video-hits: 614
lecture Beyond Marx
Beyond Marx
please translate this description: 08.11.2009 - "Über Marx hinaus". Die Herausgeber und Autoren Karl-Heinz Roth und Max Henninger stellen im Berliner Mehringhof das gleichnamige Buch vor. Es ist eine Sammlung mehr oder weniger heterodoxer marxistischer Positionen, die Leerstellen und Fehler im Marx'schen Torso aufnehmen und ... more
length: 84 min  | date: 05.03.2010  | video-hits: 1.289
short-docu Noone has to go alone
Noone has to go alone
please translate this description: Jobcenter Berlin-Mitte, 17.09.09 - Aktion "Keine/r muss allein zum Amt": In Berlin organisiert sich ein "Begleitpool" von derzeit ca. 60 Leuten über eine Mailingliste und regelmäßige Frühstücktreffs. BegleiterInnen und Betroffene beim Jobcenter berichten.

Kontakt und weitere ... more
length: 7:20 min  | date: 20.09.2009  | video-hits: 2.681
musicvideo Holger Burner (live) : Underclass
Holger Burner (live) : Underclass
please translate this description: Live-Auftritt von Holger Burner

In dem Stück wird die fragwürdige Debatte um die »Unterschicht« in der BRD thematisiert.
Diese wurde erst in Folge der zunehmenden Reichtumsschere in der BRD im Jahr 2006 von Kurt Beck (SPD) benannt und ausgerufen und dann umgehend wieder im ... more
length: 3:20 min  | date: 28.08.2009  | video-hits: 846
short-docu "Payday" in Hanau
"Nobody needs to go alone to the jobcenter!"

Public action on jobcenter and Hartz IV on 6. July 2009.
length: 8:14 min  | date: 08.07.2009  | video-hits: 1.570
snippets GoG : 5 : working hours issue in 80ies (Wolfgang Schaumberg)
GoG : 5 : working hours issue in 80ies (Wolfgang Schaumberg)
the discussion for a better life in the trade union movement became relevant and escalated with the IG-Metall strike for a 35-hours working week. Wolfgang Schaumberg recalls this discussion and the social and political debates from the perspective of Opel-Bochum and the GoG-group. linked to the this debate is the phenomenon of mass unemployment as strategical factor for all union issues but also the hollow ... more
length: 5:21 min  | date: 21.06.2009  | video-hits: 276
short-docu Activity infront of Job-Centre in Berlin-Neukoelln
Activity infront of Job-Centre in Berlin-Neukoelln
28 April 2009, Job-Centre in Berlin Neukoelln. Activists offer to accompany the people on social security to their appointments. Everybody can take another person. This way the receivers of welfare get much more seldomly put under pressure or sanctioned by the job-centre.
length: 4:00 min  | date: 29.04.2009  | video-hits: 4.521
short-docu Hunger strike of temporary workers at VW
Hunger strike of temporary workers at VW
In March 2009 VW wanted to dimiss 213 temporary workers. Some went on hunger strike. The point is, that VW would have to give the temporaries a regular contract after 2 years. But the corporation has no interest in that and the staff is still to be seperated.

Shortly after the hunger strike 88 temporaries could pick up work again, and 103 of them switched to the VW dependace Autovision - partly with ... more
length: 7:33 min  | date: 21.04.2009  | video-hits: 1.832
short-docu Action day infront of job-centre in Berlin
Action day infront of job-centre in Berlin
05 March 2009 - people from different social and political groups gathered in front of a job-centre in Berlin to inform the welfare recipients that nobody has to go there alone. They offered to accompany the people to their appointments and called attention that everybody has the right to take someone else in. This way there are far less repressions and harassments by the employees of the job-centre. In a ... more
length: 3:10 min  | date: 06.03.2009  | video-hits: 2.554
short-docu The superfluous visit the Kaiser's supermarket
The superfluous visit the Kaiser's supermarket
On 23 February 2009 the superfluous entered a Kaiser's supermarket in Berlin call attention for the case of Emmely and demand fair working conditions for all people.

Kaiser's had dismissed the cashier and claimed that she had illegally taken vouchers for 1,30 Euros. Actually Kaiser's wanted to fire Emmely because she participated in the union strike 2007/2008.

Emmely fights against ... more
length: 2:30 min  | date: 24.02.2009  | video-hits: 3.691
short-docu Demonstration against Poverty and Precarity
Demonstration against Poverty and Precarity
On 04 July 2008 the first protest march related to the G8 summit moved through Sapporo. A rather small demonstration against poverty and precarious living.
length: 9:09 min  | date: 04.07.2008  | video-hits: 193
short-docu Luxury For All
Luxury For All
Docu about the protest against the ball 'opernball 2006' in frankfurt a.m./germany, the motto of the protest was 'luxury for all'.
length: 12:4 min  | date: 08.03.2006  | video-hits: 3.791
short-film and K. turned pale
and K. turned pale
November 16th, 2005. Talkshow with Frank Müntefering (Chairman of the Socialdemoctrats). Diether Althaus (Premier MInister of Thüringen) and Prof. Paul Nolte about reforms of the labour market. Nobody in the round had a critical position towards the Agenda 2010 policies. This led to a situation where it became aparent, how far "we" want to go in order to make Germany "future-compliant" "again".
length: 14,17 min  | date: 26.01.2005  | video-hits: 4.627
interview poverty is becoming normal
poverty is becoming normal
poverty is becoming a normal factor and is not regarded as a scandal anymore. "it is not embarassing to anybody anymore that one of the richest nations of the world is not able to provide for its people anymore." as a result, a general feeling of uncertainty can be wittnessed, even among people that are not affected by ALG II and Hartz IV.
length: 2 min  | date: 13.11.2004  | video-hits: 936
short-docu who demonstrates against Hartz IV?
who demonstrates against Hartz IV?
please translate this description: Berlin, 21.09.2004 - der soziologe und "protestforscher" prof. dieter rucht stellt die ergebnisse der Untersuchung zur sozialen und politischen zusammensetzung der montagsdemos vor. die untersuchung charakterisiert die montagsdemos auf grund einer
repraesentativen untersuchung in Berlin, ... more
length: 3,50 min  | date: 14.10.2004  | video-hits: 346
short-docu day of the jobless
day of the jobless
please translate this description: mit einem strassenfest, live musik, theater, infostaenden und dem motto "Das Leben endet NICHT am Arbeitsplatz ... und auch nicht am Arbeitsamt!" fand heuer zum 7. mal der tag der arbeitslosen in Wien statt.
length: 3,08 min  | date: 01.05.2004  | video-hits: 55
short-docu living without poverty
living without poverty
Berlin, 22. apr 2004 - rally in front of the weddinger socialoffice with the slogan "life without exploitation and poorness - Wedding calls for fighting again". "our problem isn"t unemployment, it"s beeing without money", said a female speaker. after the demo to the Employment Office a prize was giving to the Employment Office head: "Office tyrant 2004."
length: 5:45 min  | date: 28.04.2004  | video-hits: 112
short-docu dinner for social resistance
dinner for social resistance
Berlin, 14.april 2004 - kick-off for the actiondays for social resistance in Berlin (14.apr - 1.may). 300 people came together from different areas to the Neukoellner Herrmannplatz to eat together for free. Michael Kronewetter from actionpact ACT! explained the sense of the happening.
length: 4:00 min  | date: 23.04.2004  | video-hits: 118
Class struggle
Strike of the retail employees
Organizing in Germany
Strike at Gate Gourmet
GDL strike
Bertelsmann Congress 2006
TPP Section Colombia
Strike in Bochum
Monday demonstrations
April 3rd, 2004
Attack on wage agreements
opernballdemo 2004
November 1st 2003
Dismantling the welfare state
opera ball demo 2003
Less jobs at Siemens and Osram
Demo Cologne
Zahltag Jobcenter Neukölln
Krach statt Kohldampf
2. May 2010 - VI. International Non-Workers Celebration and Demonstration Day
Beyond Marx
Noone has to go alone
Holger Burner (live) : Underclass
"Payday" in Hanau
GoG : 5 : working hours issue in 80ies (Wolfgang Schaumberg)
Activity infront of Job-Centre in Berlin-Neukoelln
Hunger strike of temporary workers at VW
Action day infront of job-centre in Berlin
The superfluous visit the Kaiser's supermarket
Demonstration against Poverty and Precarity
Luxury For All
and K. turned pale
poverty is becoming normal
who demonstrates against Hartz IV?
day of the jobless
living without poverty
dinner for social resistance
against social cuts
Welcome to the welfare lines
finest food
prosperity for everyone
"My liberation is your liberation."

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