A broad and creative alliance of different groups and activists gathered at Westbahnhof to protest against rescuing the current economic system and for more humane alternatives. The United Aliens special unit KLAG 2009 (Crisis Resolution Consortium 2009) used this outstanding opportunity to ask the protesters for small,
insignificant donations to strengthen out economy and collect funds for poverty stricken ... more |
length: 9:40 min
| date: 28.03.2009
| video-hits: 523
Day two of the trial against the nigerian teacher and asylum seeker Ebhomhenya Otohaguamhen was partly dedicated to the interrogation of the four police officers involved in the case. Following an in-depth questioning as well as instructions on the meaning of the words 'active resistance' by the judge, the police qualified their previous statements and replaced 'well directed blows' by 'aimless fidget with hands ... more |
length: 10:20 min
| date: 23.09.2005
| video-hits: 6
The trial against the nigerian teacher and asylum seeker Ebhomhenya Otohaguamhen, beeing accused for civil disorder, has started at the Landesgericht Klagenfurt on 17/08/2005 (see Carinthia Past Remedy? for more info on the case). On the first day of the trial, the hearing of the first two witnesses, Ebhomhenya Otohaguamhen and the homeowner, took place and caused alarm. The house owner, not knowing he would have ... more |
length: 5:10 min
| date: 17.08.2005
| video-hits: 3
When Dr. Helene P. and the United Aliens notice of the acute "water shortage" the Austrian province of Carinthia is suffering from, having to adamantly defend their last resources, relief efforts were initiated immediately. Let's everybody donate water to save our Southern neighbors from thirst! A number of bottles and cans have already been delivered to the Ministery of the Interior, and the test construction of ... more |
length: 6:30 min
| date: 10.08.2005
| video-hits: 83