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topic exChains

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Garments sold in shops like H&M, Metro, Neckermann, Karstadt Quelle or Otto make a long journey before they end up on display. Workers may have produced cotton fibres in Kenya; other workers may have spun, woven and sewn the garments in factories in Sri Lanka, China or Bangladesh; until they come to be sold by retail workers in Europe. ExChains! organises these workers in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Mexico, Turkey and Germany with the objective of mutually supporting each other along the subcontracting chain of the textile, garment and retail sector. Trough meeting each other and discover each other’s working situations, organising efforts and demands we establish concrete solidarity links…
further infos

team: ols [laborB*]
latest clip entry: 20-06-2009 01:28 number of medias in topic: 2
snippets exChains (t.i.e.) - 2 - Bangladesh + NGWF (Amirul Haque Amin)
exChains (t.i.e.) - 2 - Bangladesh + NGWF (Amirul Haque Amin)
Amirul Haque Amin – Vorsitzender der National Garment Workers Union – spricht über die Bedeutung der Austauschprogramme von exChains, bei denen sich die ArbeiterInnen aus verschiedenen Teilen der Welt und von verschiedenen Teilen der Produktionskette, persönlich begegnen. Er berichtet über die Bedeutung dieser persönlichen Begegnungen von Beschäftigten aus Bangladesch, Sri Lanka und der BRD, die letztlich für ... more
length: 5:21 min  | date: 20.06.2009  | video-hits: 77
snippets exChains (t.i.e.) - 1 - beginnings
exChains (t.i.e.) - 1 - beginnings
Three Activist from exChains talk about the beginnings of this project dedicated to "worker-to-worker-solidarity" in the international garment industries.
Anton Marcus speaks about first meetings, aims and intentions ... and about concrete chances and problems of globalization from the point of view of a project like exChains.
length: 6:30 min  | date: 13.06.2009  | video-hits: 58
5 links
Meet the people who make your clothes Video at youtube by WarOnWant

Sweatshops in Bangladesh Report on NGWF and its context in Bangladesh
The National Garment Workers' Federation (NGWF) works with exploited garment sector workers throughout Bangladesh. Through campaigning and education programmes, NGWF aims to ensure that workers receive fair wages and are aware of their basic rights. NGWF’s work with government and employers is leading to improvements in the working conditions and environment of factories in Bangladesh.

Interview: the struggle of Bangladeshi garment workers Interview by "No Sweat" about The National Garment Workers Federation (NGWF) – its foundaation in 1984, its history and organisation.

Women Working Worldwide Women Working Worldwide is a UK based organisation which works with an international network of women workers. We focus on supporting the rights of women working in international production chains which supply the UK and other European countries with consumer goods such as food and clothing.

CleanClothesCampaign A Global Alliance

The Clean Clothes Campaign is an alliance of organisations in 12 European countries. CCC members include trade unions and NGOs covering a broad spectrum of perspectives and interests, such as women’s rights, consumer advocacy and poverty reduction.

The CCC exists to support garment workers in their efforts to create substantive, sustainable improvements in working conditions. We rely on a partner network of more than 200 organisations and unions in garment-producing countries to identify local problems and objectives, and to help us develop campaign strategies to support workers in achieving their goals. The CCC cooperates extensively with similar labour rights campaigns in the United States, Canada, and Australia.

exChains (t.i.e.) - 2 - Bangladesh + NGWF (Amirul Haque Amin)
exChains (t.i.e.) - 1 - beginnings

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