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2008 the labor force at the SBB-bodyshop (Swiss railways) occupied their shop - and defeated plans to make half the workforce redundant, and split and privatize the factory. more

snippets Officine/Bellinzona [06] : communication (Gianni Frizzo - 5)
Officine/Bellinzona [06] : communication (Gianni Frizzo - 5)
The striking wokforce of SBB-Officine regards communication with the general public as the lifeline of their struggle. Manifold contacts with the people of Bellinzona and beyond secure the exchange and general support. The factory becomes a public space.
length: 3:28 min  | date: 06.07.2009  | video-hits: 142
snippets Officine/Bellinzona [05] : unity (Gianni Frizzo - 4)
Officine/Bellinzona [05] : unity (Gianni Frizzo - 4)
Gianni Frizzo on spontaneous and organized unity of employees and temporary workers at SBB-Officine.
length: 3:04 min  | date: 04.07.2009  | video-hits: 38
snippets Officine/Bellinzona [04] : critical moments (Gianni Frizzo - 3) [ver. 0.1]
Officine/Bellinzona [04] : critical moments (Gianni Frizzo - 3) [ver. 0.1]
Gianni Frizzo vom »Giu le Mani«-Kommitee describes the pressure and some critical moments at SBB-Officine after first strike activities.
length: 3:50 min  | date: 11.06.2009  | video-hits: 40
snippets Officine/Bellinzona [03] : sparks of the struggle (Gianni Frizzo) [vers. 0.1]
Officine/Bellinzona [03] : sparks of the struggle (Gianni Frizzo) [vers. 0.1]
Gianni Frizzo tells about the history of the »Giu le Mani«-commitee, which develops as bridge between active workers, trade union structures and the general public. He describes how the existence of this commitee sparks the struggle when the SBB-management discloses its plans for »restructuring«...
length: 6:20 min  | date: 10.06.2009  | video-hits: 38
snippets Officine/Bellinzona [02] : beginnings (Gianni Frizzo)
Officine/Bellinzona [02] : beginnings (Gianni Frizzo)
Gianni Frizzo one of the initiators of the comittee »Giu le mani dell Ofiicine« (»Hands off the shopfloor«) talks about the pre-history of the strike and the occupation at SBB-Officine in the spring of 2008 in Bellinzona (Switzerland)
length: 5:30 min  | date: 08.06.2009  | video-hits: 61
snippets Officine/Bellinzona [01] : success story | vers.0.1
Officine/Bellinzona [01] : success story  | vers.0.1
SBB-Officine in Bellinzona. The occupation of the shopfloor brings success: no redundanvcies. and even more improvements.
Happening in Switzerland, the country known for its 'peacefulness' in industrial relations. The seccess even travels...
length: 3:15 min  | date: 04.06.2009  | video-hits: 237
interview Gianni Frizzo - Officine/Belinzona Interview [raw edit | ital | 3/3]
Gianni Frizzo - Officine/Belinzona Interview [raw edit | ital | 3/3]
Gianni Frizzo about the successful strike in the sbb-bodyshop in Bellinzona (Switzerland)
length: 13:30 min min  | date: 12.05.2009  | video-hits: 31
interview Gianni Frizzo - Officine/Belinzona Interview [raw edit | ital | 2/3]
Gianni Frizzo - Officine/Belinzona Interview [raw edit | ital | 2/3]
Gianni Frizzo about the successful strike in the sbb-bodyshop in Bellinzona (Switzerland)
length: 12 min min  | date: 12.05.2009  | video-hits: 81
interview Gianni Frizzo - Officine/Belinzona Interview [raw edit | ital | 1/3]
Gianni Frizzo - Officine/Belinzona Interview [raw edit | ital | 1/3]
Gianni Frizzo about the successful strike in the sbb-bodyshop in Bellinzona (Switzerland)
length: 11min min  | date: 11.05.2009  | video-hits: 144
3 links
SBB-Officine (Bellinzona) + »Giu le Mani @ Labournet Germany Links. Texte und Material zu SBB-Officine gesammelt vom Labournet Germany

Die Arbeiterklasse gibt es noch (Gianni Frizzo) „Die Arbeiterklasse gibt es noch“ – Interview mit Gianni Frizzo
Übersetzung | In "Zug Um Zug voran" | Basisgruppe Bahn

Das Wunder von Bellinzona (Rainer Thomann) Betrieb besetzt, Arbeitsplätze gerettet. Rainer Thomann erzählt die Geschichte des größten Streiks in der Schweiz seit 100 Jahren.
– in: marx21 - Magazin für internationalen Sozialismus, Nr.10, April 2009

Officine/Bellinzona [06] : communication (Gianni Frizzo - 5)
Officine/Bellinzona [05] : unity (Gianni Frizzo - 4)
Officine/Bellinzona [04] : critical moments (Gianni Frizzo - 3) [ver. 0.1]
Officine/Bellinzona [03] : sparks of the struggle (Gianni Frizzo) [vers. 0.1]
Officine/Bellinzona [02] : beginnings (Gianni Frizzo)
Officine/Bellinzona [01] : success story | vers.0.1
Gianni Frizzo - Officine/Belinzona Interview [raw edit | ital | 3/3]
Gianni Frizzo - Officine/Belinzona Interview [raw edit | ital | 2/3]
Gianni Frizzo - Officine/Belinzona Interview [raw edit | ital | 1/3]

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