22:30 01.05.2000
arrests, water-tear gas mixture |
length: 1,19 min
| date: 01.05.2000
| video-hits: 1.646
21:10 01.05.2000 crowd dispersal doesn"t work, policemen beat people up, tear gas in the water cannons. |
length: 2,24 min
| date: 01.05.2000
| video-hits: 1.483
20:30 01.05.2000
police start using water cannons. |
length: 1,19 min
| date: 01.05.2000
| video-hits: 1.011
16:00 01.05.2000
the dem peacefully passes hermannplatz |
length: 1,07 min
| date: 01.05.2000
| video-hits: 494
15:00 01.05.2000
atmospheric images of Kottbusser Tor |
length: 0,44 min
| date: 01.05.2000
| video-hits: 417
14:40 01.05.2000
the start of the revolutionary may day demo. |
length: 1,52 min
| date: 01.05.2000
| video-hits: 518
14:20 01.05.2000
interview with a punk. |
length: 0,40 min
| date: 01.05.2000
| video-hits: 875
12:30 01.05.2000
PDS demo and sale of may carnations. |
length: 1,34 min
| date: 01.05.2000
| video-hits: 402
11:00 01.05.2000
NPD meeting and folk music, counter demo prohibited. |
length: 1,14 min
| date: 01.05.2000
| video-hits: 1.132