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G8 Clips from Friday 8th June 2007

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snippets G8_four days in prision
G8_four days in prision
He was arrested for four days, and he filmed the conditions in the german prison for demonstrants - like in a zoo.
length: 0:00:34 min  | date: 09.06.2007  | video-hits: 6.622
short-docu rostock harbour: closing demonstration and -speeches (8.6.)
rostock harbour: closing demonstration and -speeches (8.6.)
final day of the G8-protests. the demonstration arrives at the harbour, where people already beeing searched and arrested. Speeches of Block G8 and Indymedia afford a review, before the spontaneous demontration to the g8-prison in rostock starts.
length: 5,15 min  | date: 08.06.2007  | video-hits: 2.453
snippets closing speeches I
closing speeches I
Rostock, 8.6.07 - final demo --- speeches: indymedia germany voluteer about the desinformation of the police, Sabine Zimpel (Erlassjahr) about the final explanation of the G8 and Monty Schädel (Rostocker Bündnis). (download: format 16:9)
length: 5:25 min  | date: 08.06.2007  | video-hits: 3.154
snippets closing speeches II - Block G8
closing speeches II - Block G8
Rostock, 8.6.07 - final demo --- review of the campaign Block G8 (german/engl.) (download: format 16:9)
length: 5:00 min  | date: 08.06.2007  | video-hits: 1.978
short-docu Illegal situation at the G8-prison in Rostock
Illegal situation at the G8-prison in Rostock
Rostock, 8 June 2007 - The police prevents laywers from getting acces to prisoners and judges. Practically this is the annulation of the constitutional state.
length: 2:41 min  | date: 08.06.2007  | video-hits: 7.358
short-docu Going for a swim - part 1: the long way
Going for a swim - part 1: the long way
Kühlungsborn, friday, 08. June. The heat is driving activists to the beach of Kühlungsborn, the government-paid holiday resort for embedded journalists, passing the official press centre. Police hampers and pesters the bathers for quite a while, but in the end bathers succeed and walk to the beach, between them and the water only a live TV show of state TV NDR (covered in part 2: live bathing).
length: 9:42 min  | date: 08.06.2007  | video-hits: 4.563
short-docu Going for a swim - part 2: live bathing
Going for a swim - part 2: live bathing
Kühlungsborn, friday, 08. June. The heat is driving activists to the beach of Kühlungsborn, the government-paid holiday resort for embedded journalists. Bathers continue their walk to the beach, between them and the water only a live TV show of state TV NDR (NDR aktuell G8 in Heiligendamm - Eine Bilanz, 16:45-17:10 cet). Surprised by the visit, state tv does not really show the higher art of hospitality. Finally, ... more
length: 2:56 min  | date: 08.06.2007  | video-hits: 3.672
G8_four days in prision
rostock harbour: closing demonstration and -speeches (8.6.)
closing speeches I
closing speeches II - Block G8
Illegal situation at the G8-prison in Rostock
Going for a swim - part 1: the long way
Going for a swim - part 2: live bathing

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