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G8 Summit in Heiligendamm 07

1 edition25 videoclips14 links1 textcomments

In early summer of 2007 the "Leaders of the World" met in Kempinsky Grand Hotel on the German Baltic Sea. The image of the governmental leaders of the 8 strongest economies symbolises as almost nothing ... more

1 edition
edition no_31 G8-TV
g8-TV was a union of activists and media activist groups from all over Europe to cover the g8-summit in Heiligendamm. The result of this intense collaboration can be found on the common website of g8-tv.org. Subtitles of the videoclips released on this website were promptly provided in seven different languages. Furthermore a newscast of the day's events was transmitted live every evening.
... more
length: 120 min  | date: 11-11-2007  | video-hits: 108
short-docu Police-military cooperation at G8
Police-military cooperation at G8
An eye witness reports on the coation Bundeswehr (German army) and police during the activities around the airport of Rostock-Laage. While the representatives of G8 arrived the military exercised deployment and cooperation with the police against the G8 resistance.
length: 5,40 min  | date: 11.06.2007  | video-hits: 22.152
short-docu Army at the G8
Army at the G8
On June 6th the Army operated to secure highway A 19 between the airport (where the G8 'leaders' arrived) and Rostock without legal reason. With their activity the militarisation of the civil society is pushed further ahead.
length: 3:55 min  | date: 10.06.2007  | video-hits: 56.299
short-docu after a night blocading
after a night blocading
The blockade at Rettwich (consisting of 2000 people) did
hold during the night. A doctor (at the demonstration )
remarked that there was a a lot of support (or solidarity)
from the local. The bad attitude towards the demonstrators prevailing at the beginning of the protest has changed.
length: 2,30 min  | date: 07.06.2007  | video-hits: 6.364
interview annihilation of capital in the periphery
annihilation of capital in the periphery
Thomas Fritz of Research and Documentation Centre Chile Latin America explains how the industrial countries enforce that financial crisises with all their disastrous consequences break out in the developping countries, not in the rich countries.
length: 3 min  | date: 07.06.2007  | video-hits: 2.307
short-docu Pressconference of the legal team
Pressconference of the legal team
Rostock, 5 June 2007 - Mrs. Strutzinsky of the Republican Laywers Association speaks of the proceedings of the police and the so called Kavala, which according to Mrs. Strutzinsky acts like a 'state in the state' and practically disempowers the local police and justice.
length: 4,20 min  | date: 05.06.2007  | video-hits: 22.027
interview Lotta Camper
Lotta Camper
from the live-cast on 5.June 2007 - a spokeswoman
of the press group Campinski talks about the magnitude of
the disinformation driven by the police and mass media
concerning the violence of the demonstrantrators. The news
magazine Der Spiegel reported, the army of clowns would
spatter the police with acid. It was pointed out later that
in reality it was soap water. The ... more
length: 6 min  | date: 05.06.2007  | video-hits: 4.255
interview Police repression
Police repression
Laywer Katja Herrlicher of the Republican Laywers Association tells how police prevented her from doing her job and how one of her clients was attacked and beaten up by police.
length: 2,30 min  | date: 05.06.2007  | video-hits: 11.956
short-docu Lidl
Lidl is a huge discounter. It pays such low prices that the farmers and the land workers can not live of them. In the South of Spain wages of around 1 Euro are payed.
length: 2,05 min  | date: 04.06.2007  | video-hits: 15.763
short-docu g8 theater
g8 theater
On Agiculture-Action-Day (3/6/07) a small theatre group
performed on Neuer Markt in Rostock. The play deals with GM
seeds and their results. But not only ecology was an
important topic, the actors also responded to social aspect
of this technology.
length: 02:51 min  | date: 03.06.2007  | video-hits: 4.418
snippets Dog
On the verge of the Action Day of Agriculture a dogs was protesting against dog taxes. It didn't doubt capitalism in general.
length: 11 sec min  | date: 03.06.2007  | video-hits: 4.237
interview Climbing against EADS and G8
Climbing against EADS and G8
On the 1st of June a group of climbing activists put up
the banner against armament exports at the
Kröpeliner Gate in Rostock, as they already did at the
House of Shipping.
length: 1:49 min  | date: 01.06.2007  | video-hits: 4.989
short-docu Parcours Global - Part 1
Parcours Global - Part 1
Fit for the summit! This has been the motto in Berlin on 27. april 2007. In part 1 a competetive concept formation takes place in front of the Adlon Hotel, which is part of the Forum Group, that also owns the Kempinski Hotel in Heiligendamm.
length: 4:26 min  | date: 16.05.2007  | video-hits: 1.478
short-docu Parcours Global - Part 2
Parcours Global - Part 2
Fit for the summit! That has been the motto in Berlin on 27. april 2007. In part 2 the sportive summitcrashers move on to the Coca-Cola branch in Berlin, for the softdrink producer is life theatening. Therefore: bowling against Coke.
length: 5:05 min  | date: 16.05.2007  | video-hits: 1.164
short-docu Parcours Global - Part 3
Parcours Global - Part 3
Fit for the summit! That has been the motto in Berlin on 27. april 2007. In the third part street signs are creatively altered form Mohrenstraße (blackamoor street) into the correct street name Möhrenstraße (carrot street).
length: 2:02 min  | date: 16.05.2007  | video-hits: 653
short-docu Parcours Global - Part 4
Parcours Global - Part 4
Fit for the summit! That has been the motto in Berlin on 27. april 2007. The fourth station of the parcour is Rheinmetall, a big weapons producer.
length: 2:02 min  | date: 16.05.2007  | video-hits: 592
short-docu Parcours Global - Part 5
Parcours Global - Part 5
Fit for the summit! That has been the motto in Berlin on 27. april 2007. The final exercise is giving back Dussmann (a German catering and book store) their disgusting nutrition for inhabitants of asylum seekers camps. But such bravity it too much for the monopolist of force, the coppers intervene.
length: 2:04 min  | date: 16.05.2007  | video-hits: 1.099
short-docu La Via Campesina
La Via Campesina
This video clip introduces the worldwide network of (small) farmers, the landless or displaced, farm workers and indigenous people. It gives a brief impression on why the issue of agriculture is of such central importance in times of globalisation. Via Campesina has 200 million members.
The clip was produced in context of the Action Network Global Agriculture and will be shown on protest events before, during ... more
length: 8 min  | date: 11.05.2007  | video-hits: 1.231
short-docu Protest March against Raids and Criminalising Political Activists
Protest March against Raids and Criminalising Political Activists
Police raided about 40 buildings and offices in Germany on Wednesday morning, 9th May, including social centres, book shops, archives and several private homes (shared flats and house projects), as well as the alternative web provider so36.net. A solidarity demonstration has taken place in Berlin Kreuzberg that evening, and this is what the clip is about.
length: 7:24 min  | date: 09.05.2007  | video-hits: 8.098
snippet G8- does it regard me?
G8- does it regard me?
the g8 summit takes place in Heiligendamm / Germany this year. but what do the citizens know about it and do they think it regards them?
length: 4,00 min  | date: 30.03.2007  | video-hits: 3.418
interview configurate g8 ?
configurate g8 ?
>>organise globalisation<< is the new mission statement in politics concerning globalisation. political scientist Michael Heinrich explains the background of this. the film provides a basis for discussion on analysing the capitalistic world order in its main features, on transformation, crisis, fight - and not least - what G8 has got to do with it.
length: 11.00 min  | date: 30.03.2007  | video-hits: 2.249
14 links
antig8.tk Anti-G8-Bündnis für eine revolutionäre Perspektive

G8 NGO Plattform Die im Januar 2006 in Hannover gegründete G8 NGO-Plattform besteht aus bisher 40 teilnehmenden Organisationen und trifft sich regelmäßig, um die Beteiligung der NGOs an zentralen Aktivitäten zum G8 Gipfel in Heiligendamm zu organisieren. Die G8 NGO-Plattform richtet die Reihe »Politik der G8: Analysen & Gegenentwürfe« aus, die am 17. Oktober 2006 mit der »G8-Energiesackgasse« eröffnet wurde.

dissentnetwork.org internationale Mobilisierung gegen den G8 Gipfel 2007 in Heiligendamm bei Rostock. Informationen und Plattform der beteiligten Organisationen und Gruppen.

DISSENT! network of resistance multilingual infos and backgroundinformation on the g8 2007

G8 bei wikipedia [...] Der Gruppe der Acht (sieben führende Industrieländer und Russland; G8) gehören Deutschland, Frankreich, Großbritannien, Italien, Japan, Kanada, Russland und die USA an. Daneben ist in dem Gremium auch die Europäische Kommission vertreten. Spanien bemüht sich bereits seit längerem um die Aufnahme als Vollmitglied. Den Vorsitz übernimmt jeweils ein Land für die Dauer eines Jahres. Die G8 gilt nicht als internationale Organisation. Ihre Treffen sind informell, um in „entspannter Runde” globale Themen und Probleme zu beraten. Die G8-Länder vereinigen ca. 50 % des Welthandels und des Weltbruttonationaleinkommens (BNE) – in Kaufkraftparitäten gemessen oder zwei Drittel des BNEs in tatsächlichen Preisen gemessen – auf sich.

g8-2007.de Blog rund um und gegen das G8-Treffen in Heiligendamm 2007

heiligendamm2007.de "Wer sich den G8-Gipfel einlädt, lädt sich auch den Protest ein."
Berichte aus den Arbeitsgruppen der Aktionskonferenz Rostock II vom 10.11-12.11.2006

gipfelsoli.org Meldungen über globalisierte Solidarität
und die Proteste gegen unsolidarische Globalisierung

Camp Inski 2006 Mobiliserungsseite zum G8 in Heiligendamm

links-lang.de News, Facts und Action aus McPomm

G8-Heiligendamm 2007 Infosite Blog rund um das Treffen der G8

G8 Sonderseite auf labournet.de Mobilisierung und Info

G8 Heiligendamm Spezial auf indymedia.de Zusammenstellung von Infos, Berichten und Links

Einladung zur Beteiligung am AntiG8-Bündnis / Plattform [...] Aus den Städten des Rhein-Ruhrgebiets haben verschiedenste Gruppen ein Bündnis zur Vorbereitung auf die Gipfelproteste gegründet. Das aus diesem Anlass entstehende Netzwerk soll die einzelnen Initiativen der Region miteinander bekannt machen und organisatorische Hilfe bieten.

Summit assault
Climate Conference in Copenhagen -COP 15
G8 in Japan 08
G8 Gleneagles-Scotland 05
G8 Evian 2003
Bush in Berlin 2002
Bruessel EU Summit 2001
G8 Genoa 2001
IMF summit Prague 2000
Police-military cooperation at G8
Army at the G8
after a night blocading
annihilation of capital in the periphery
Pressconference of the legal team
Lotta Camper
Police repression
g8 theater
Climbing against EADS and G8
Parcours Global - Part 1
Parcours Global - Part 2
Parcours Global - Part 3
Parcours Global - Part 4
Parcours Global - Part 5
La Via Campesina
Protest March against Raids and Criminalising Political Activists
G8- does it regard me?
configurate g8 ?
"Destroying the world together"
G8 Repression (english & german)
G8 Repression
Sea You on G8
greetings from Heiligendamm

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