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topic Imperialism reloaded?!

7 videoclips3 linkscomments

Berlin, 21.06.04, HAU 2
Kurz represents a value-critical perspective, published several books and is co-editor of the theoretical magazine exit.
here he talks about the new marxist theory and the relation of value critique to postmodern perspectives.

team: fanelli/jens blatt
latest clip entry: 28-06-2004 12:14 number of medias in topic: 7
snippet interview with Robert Kurz
interview with Robert Kurz
Berlin, 21.06.04, HAU 2
Kurz represents a value-critical perspective, published several books and is co-editor of the theoretical magazine exit.
here he talks about the new marxist theory and the relation of value critique to postmodern perspectives.
length: 4:00 min  | date: 26.06.2004  | video-hits: 4.903
snippet theoretical perspective of the contemporary crisis
 theoretical perspective of the contemporary crisis
interview with Robert Kurz - Kurz talks about his theoretical perspective of the contemporary crisis and the necessity of a radical critique of capitalist categories (value, abstract labout, nation...) for an emancipatory movement.
length: 4:55 min  | date: 26.06.2004  | video-hits: 2.055
snippet imperialism and globalisation
imperialism and globalisation
interview with Robert Kurz - in this clip Kurz talks about his analysis of a new imperialism in the context of a globalized and no longer nation-state-centered economy and criticizes the anachronistic concepts of wide parts of the left to analyse the contemporary interventions.
length: 3:05 min  | date: 26.06.2004  | video-hits: 1.839
snippet imperialism
please translate this description: interview mit Robert Kurz - hier geht Kurz naeher auf seine begriffe des sicherheits- und ausgrenzungsimperialismus ein: einerseits absicherung transnationaler wertschoepfungsketten auch mittels militaerinterventionen, andererseits steuerung und ausschluss von "migrationsstroemen". als akteur ... more
length: 3:45 min  | date: 26.06.2004  | video-hits: 933
snippet divergences of interest between the different blocks of power?
divergences of interest between the different blocks of power?
interview with Robert Kurz - because of the interdependence of the different eoconomies of the captalist centre Kurz does not see a possibility for fundamental divergences of interest between the different blocks of power (USA, EU, east-/southeast-asia)
length: 4:30 min  | date: 26.06.2004  | video-hits: 978
short-docu analysing the term >>police war<<
analysing the term >>police war<<
Kurz analyses the term "police war" as a matching category to circumscribe the interventions of the last years which created some kind of order for transnational accumulation. he sees the contemporary situation in iraq as an example of a "police war" but at the same time also for the certain failure of this strategic option.
length: 3:25 min  | date: 26.06.2004  | video-hits: 1.002
short-docu ctiticism on >>empire<< by Hardt/Negri
ctiticism on >>empire<< by Hardt/Negri
Kurz criticizes the concept of "empire" (Negri/Hardt) as without foundation grounded in accumulation theory, but at the same time sees it as a progress that with their concept the authors turned away from anachronisitc ideas of national imperialisms.
length: 2:10 min  | date: 26.06.2004  | video-hits: 1.313
3 links
exit-online.org Kapitalismuskritik für das 21. Jahrhundert
Mit Marx über Marx hinaus: Das theoretische Projekt der Gruppe „EXIT!“
[...] Wie es scheint, hat der Kapitalismus auf der ganzen Linie gesiegt. Und das nicht etwa bloß als äußere repressive Macht, sondern im Inneren der Subjekte selbst. Das scheinbare „Naturgesetz“ des Marktes und die negative Universalität der Konkurrenz werden als unüberschreitbare Bedingungen menschlicher Existenz erlebt, obwohl die Resultate verheerend, demütigend und unerträglich sind.

Robert Kurz bei de.wikipedia.org

Produktion der Abhängigkeit Wertschöpfungsketten. Investitionen. Patente. - von Thomas Fritz, Christian Russau und Cícero Gontijo

Robert Kurz
Global capitalism and its crisis
interview with Robert Kurz
theoretical perspective of the contemporary crisis
imperialism and globalisation
divergences of interest between the different blocks of power?
analysing the term >>police war<<
ctiticism on >>empire<< by Hardt/Negri

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