kurzdoku // russisch // 4,41 Min. // 28.01.2008
// Hits: 725
Theorie und Praxis dieser Aktionsform. (deutsche Untertitel)
The Eastern enlargement of the European Union has made the Ukraine one of the borders of the Fortress Europe. Here, in the region of Transkapartia, a military secured border with detention camps for refugees from the Global South and the former USSR has come into being; - for refugees who by fleeing into the connecting European countries attempt to escape from war, totalitarism or poverty. It is difficult to ... weiter |
laenge: 50 min
| datum: 30-01-2008
| video-hits: 188
Hintergrundinterview zur EU-Flüchlingspolitik. |
laenge: 16,54 min
| datum: 28.01.2008
| video-hits: 1.058
hier: die EU |
laenge: 1,40 min
| datum: 28.01.2008
| video-hits: 1.206
Amnesty Internation Ukraine, über das Grenzcamp |
laenge: 0,55 min
| datum: 28.01.2008
| video-hits: 89
Moskauer Aktivist über die Schwierigkeiten der Vernetzung zwischen Ost und West. |
laenge: 1,06 min
| datum: 28.01.2008
| video-hits: 129
Inalia Jalimoniva von Civic Assistance Moskau zur Situation von Flüchtlingen in Moskau. |
laenge: 3,05 min
| datum: 28.01.2008
| video-hits: 66
Der ehemalige Vorsitzende des Helsinki-Komitees Ungarn über die Abschiebepraxis in Ungarn und der Slowakei. |
laenge: 4,17 min
| datum: 28.01.2008
| video-hits: 54
Call out for No Border Camp in Ukraine 2007
The eastward expansion of the European Union has resulted in moving the walls of "Fortress Europe" to the Western border of Ukraine. The Ukrainian region of Transcarpatia, of which the biggest cities are Uzhgorod and Mukachevo, has become a new borderline, with increasing militarization and major concentration of detention camps for refugees from the countries of Global South and former USSR, who try to escape war, totalitarianism or misery to the European Union countries. It is hard to find any "open" information about the conditions in the majority of these camps.
The condition of the refugees in Ukraine is very unstable: freedom of movement is restricted; it is hard to get a job or medical care, and no social security is provided. When one gets refugee status, the only support they get from the state is a single payment of a petty 3 euros.
In recent years Ukraine has even extradited asylum seekers to places like Uzbekistan, where they were imprisoned for years in the notorious authoritarian regime's gulags.