eine auswahl der auf kanalB.org erschienenen videos:
'die Oberbaumbrueckenschlacht 2004' (Britta, Carsten, Tanja v Dahlern),
'bauern beobachten die polizei' (Britta, Carsten),
'McDonalds eroeffnung' (Bjoern, Stefan),
'remote control' (David Pfluger),
'radioballett' zum oesterr. nationalfeiertag (Florian Weber),
'ueber land' (Alexandra Gerbaulet),
'tv-snack' (David ... more |
length: 43 min
| date: 02-12-2004
| video-hits: 3.943
watching tv the other way round by David Pfluger |
length: 0,41 min
| date: 02.12.2004
| video-hits: 1.936
a beautiful trickfilm on smoking by John Hansen and David Pfluger |
length: 7 min
| date: 02.12.2004
| video-hits: 3.125
subtle study on couch potatoes by David Pfluger |
length: 0,32 min
| date: 02.12.2004
| video-hits: 1.018
A member of the Farmers Emergency Committee declares the action "Farmers observe the Police" and explains the background of the protest. |
length: 3,30 min
| date: 15.11.2004
| video-hits: 1.606
please translate this description: am 26. Oktober, seit 1967 Oesterreichs nationalfeiertag (vormals "Tag der Fahne") wird der beginn der "immerwaehrenden neutralitaet" "gefeiert". zu diesem anlass findet jaehrlich am Wiener Heldenplatz eine grosse heeresschau staat, wo sich allerlei ... more |
length: 4,36 min
| date: 29.10.2004
| video-hits: 736
please translate this description: Berlin, Oberbaumbruecke, 29.08.2004 - auch dieses jahr wurde zwischen Kreuzberg und Friedrichshain wieder entschieden, welcher bezirk die vormachtstellung hat. neu aufgetauchtes bildmaterial zeigt entgegen den meldungen der mainstream-presse einen klaren sieg fuer Kreuzberg. der entschlossenheit ... more |
length: 3:27 min
| date: 01.09.2004
| video-hits: 1.479
in this special broadcast, Ronald McDonald disproves all arguments
raised against him during a demonstration on Aug. 07, 2004: cruelty to animals, hindrance of labour union work, exploitation of labour, child labour and ecological devastation. |
length: 5:45 min
| date: 18.08.2004
| video-hits: 3.446
my film "by land" is a fake documentary. it is the fictional interview with an escape helper based on a published interview with austrian escape helpers. (...) people trying to enter fortress Europe by land depend on border crossing services in order to overcome harsh restrictions for immigration. in Germany escape aid is only considered positive in connection with the inner german history of BRD/ DDR. |
length: 10 min
| date: 09.03.2004
| video-hits: 813
"don"t fuck the world, impregnate her / spread positive and not negative energy. /share with the people give them love and change them / and keep fighting their false philosophy." |
length: 4 min
| date: 30.09.2003
| video-hits: 10.984