kanalB.at ·labournet.tv
kanalB  topics migration and deportation


short-film  // german  // 8,03 Min  // 23.11.2006  // Hits: 3.662
"Fremd" is a story about a Man from Kongo and an Austrian woman, which are preparing themselves for an interview at the aliens’ police. With the aid of a protocol they want to get sure that their relation ship will be regarded like a "normal" and warrantable one. In doing so they have to challenge what "normal" means in a relationship. What do I have to know about my Partner and when does privacy turn to common law, what is real and what is feigned?

more clips: migration and deportation
Team: Lisa Kortschak,Mammadou.H.Wane,Nicole Szolga,Lisbeth Kovacic,Jochen Gruber,Matthias Balgavy

migration and deportation

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