kanalB.at ·labournet.tv
kanalB  Squats


performances  // german  // 2:50 Min  // 23.03.2005  // Hits: 143
Following the initial demonstration of the so-called closing-down action days, a house was squatted right within view of the police. In the video you can see the police officers standing around waiting and seemingly not knowing how to react. The general aim of the closing-down days was to draw attention to the situation of activist groups, independent locations and other 'free spaces' that are fighting for survival and are threatened to lose their 'homebases'. At the same time, many other buildings in Vienna are left empty and not beeing used at all, such as the former headquarter of the lower Austrian health insurance company at Burggasse/Breite Gasse.

more clips: Squats
Team: Craz (United Aliens TV)


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